First pictures on inside the house

Here are the first pictures of inside the house: Thursday 6-25-2015

Light switch on left as you enter house
Bathroom-showing cobwebs
Bathroom 1
Dining room
Dining room–toys
Wood burning stove in Dining Room—Stolen
MG room
MG’s bed
Johns Bed
John’s bedroom
John's bedroom
John’s bed


Pictures: Outside the house

driveway to front of house
Front of house-trees covered view of porch
Front porch 2
Entrance to house-part of porch


Front porch
Porch–pile of dog food
Outside MG room
MG bedroom windows boarded up
Coming down porch steps leading to John’s shop–MG bedroom window
Outside kitchen
Side of house showing Dining room window and kitchen window (small)
Buses and Trailer