Is Guardianship a real job??? OH YES and then some—

Let me enlighten you about being a guardian/conservator. I am sure it is different in each state.

When I first realized that this was not going to be a cut and dry case, meaning things became complicated with others claiming property rights, etc. I started keeping a daily journal–people I talked with, places I had to go, business I had to take care of. I also kept a record of my cost (out of pocket) for getting these things handled. John Brooks’ funeral expense, clothes, Mary Grace’s medicine and doctor cost, the list goes on and on. I knew at some point I would have to account for all of Mary Graces’ expenses.

I was back in Alabama on June 9, 2016 for my first hearing with the new Probate Judge. This is when I found out the court appointed someone to be an Ad litem on Mary Grace’s behalf, (someone who is assigned to make sure Mary Grace’s affairs are handled properly and in her best interest.) This hearing was primarily to secure approval to sell the property, but one thing led to another.

The Ad Litem thought it would be best if I received approval from the first cousins for the sale of the property. Next, we discussed since I decided not to open John Brooks’ estate, I needed approval to sell the two vehicles and one very small stock account I found and needed to cash in. (Thanks to the mail, Mary Grace had received a small dividend check.) Hope you now understand why I was so upset when someone else unlawfully got the mail. I was told I would have to conduct an accounting audit at least every three years, so I requested we have one as of June 30, 2016.

There were two reasons I did not want to wait the 3 years. First, I wanted to make sure I was handling everything correctly from the get go and secondly, I wanted to be reimbursed for all my personal invested funds. As of June 30, 2016, I incurred expenses totaling over $6,700.00 which included funeral expenses, medications, clothes and cleaning products for the house and cash into Mary Grace’s checking account for utilities, cutting grass, appraisal of property, attorney fees, court cost, etc. This is not including my many personal hours, fuel, lodging or wear and tear of our vehicles. Between our two vehicles, we registered over 16,000 miles, through out this process. Under normal circumstances I would not have given any of this a second thought but, because of the trespassing, stealing, court hearings, having to stay in a hotel instead with family or friends (I could not ask them to live this everyday like we had to) plus cleaning out the filthy house and worrying about the finances, I was entitled to reimbursement–I earned it. This is really no one’s business but as of July 1, 2016 I stopped claiming any time, travel expense, etc.

That means my hourly rate of $ 9.00 per hour is no longer. When I was told I could get an hourly rate for my time, I ask Attorney Downs what people usually got, he said: “I would think between $15.00 to $20.00 an hour”. So, in my accounting audit, I requested $18.00 an hour (mid-range), but the Judge and Ad litem would not approve that rate. During our next hearing to finalize this audit, I explained why and how I came up with the $18.00 an hour, and the Judge ask if I wanted to postpone a decision until Attorney Downs and I discussed it. I said: “Heavens no, that would just cost Mary Grace more in attorney fees, Ad litem fees and court cost”. So really Charlie and I each were paid $4.50 per hour. I was finally reimbursed on October 3, 2016.

You might also be interested to know: I cannot invest Mary Grace’s money in any type of investments, just CD’s. I even asked for permission to open an estate CD with my credit union because I could get higher rate but was denied because I live out of state and if I decided to run off with her money it would be harder for the courts to deal with. I misunderstood, I thought the required bond covered that. (More expense)

I understand the laws and I respect the laws. I realize the bad seeds have made it hard for the ones that would do the honest thing. As I mentioned before this was in the time frame of selling the property: I decided to sell the property in February, made the deal in April, had a court hearing in June and received approval on August 11, 2016 the same day we closed. The funds did not hit Mary Grace’s bank account until Sept. 14, 2016.

I remember one day Mary Grace and I were talking about John Brooks and she said: “Well, he sure left us in a mess—if I could I would dig him up and slap him”. She was so right—what a mess this has been.

Ok–Let’s keep talking

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Where are all those Smart A comments from those back stabbing people that talked about you. I want to hear them now. Nope. This is a mess that will take a toll on you and Charlie. Me and A friend are both going through this type mess, but I don’t think its as bad as yours. You are also too nice. two weeks ago I kicked a door down on our property that someone had put a lock on. My back did not like that, Yep you keep on talking Reta Love it. If only I had of know I… Read more »

Kenneth D, Rogers
Kenneth D, Rogers

Bless you Reta. I wished I had a relative like you.