Just staying busy

The next month I kept busy investigating and finding more pieces to this puzzle. It was during this time that I “spilled my guts” to Brian Reed –of course, you can hear that conversation on the S-Town podcast. (at the end, a few blogs will address the podcast)

The Assistant District Attorney’s (ADA) office called on February 11, 2016 to set up an appointment for February 16, 2016, this meeting is just an update and discuss our options, so we left for Alabama on February 14th, met with ADA on February 16th and came home on February 17th. The ADA wants me to return to Centreville on February 24, 2016 to be a witness for the grand jury. They would be charging Tyler with the theft of two vehicles, two buses, one trailer and the lumber stored in the trailer.

It was on this trip (Feb 24th) when I decided I had enough of dealing with Mary Grace’s house. There was no way I could stop the trespassing and vandalizing of the house and property. Every time I went over there, it was another window broken, another broken lock, just pure meanness! We were taking one step forward and three steps backwards. I had dealt with the odor, the heat, the cold, the dampness, dead rats, and destruction long enough. I really felt that I would get a call any day telling me the house had been burned down. I just could not take it anymore. My mind was made up, I had no choice but to sell the place. Of course, the financial situation was another reason. It really broke my heart.

If you know anything about being a guardian/conservator, you know you can’t do anything without permission from the court. Just to give you an idea about the time factor: February 2016 I decided to sell the house, April 1, 2016 I made deal with buyer and it wasn’t until August 11, 2016 that we were granted court approval and the deal was closed. ( 7 months)

I was back in Alabama April 16, 2016. Mary Grace had been referred to a surgeon concerning her lifelong condition on her leg, so, I wanted to be there to discuss her options with the doctor. She let him know quickly he was not cutting on her leg. And I totally agreed.

We moved more stuff from Mary Grace’s to storage, boarded up another window that had been broken out and then I called an Auctioneer to come and pick up anything that was left. At this point I felt I had done all I could do, so on April 26, 2016 went headed back to Florida.

Ok–Let’s keep talking,


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